Infection Control Statement


The annual statement will be generated each year, and it will summarise:

  • The annual infection control audit summary and actions undertaken.
  • Significant Events
  • Infection control risk assessments and actions undertaken.
  • Details of staff training (both as part of induction and annual training) with regards to infection prevention and control
  • Any review and update of policies, procedures, and guidelines.

Infection Control Team

Lowmoor Road have two leads for Infection control.

They are supported by the GPs and Practice Manager Jane Wardle.

Both nurses have attended Infection Prevention training courses in 2023

Julie Richardson

Infection Control lead Nurse

Wendy Webb

Infection Control Nurse

Significant Events

Post infection reviews are carried out and includes reviewing of care given by the GP and other primary care colleagues.  Any learning identified would be fed back and discussed in monthly meetings in surgery with all surgery staff both clinical and non-clinical and any learning points identified, and actions taken.

During the past year there have been no significant events raised in relation to infection control.

Infection Prevention Audit and Risk assessments

Annual Infection Prevention and Control Audits have been completed by Julie Richardson along with Wendy Webb

As a result of audits taken:

  1. New bed roll holders have been purchased.
  2. Storage of clinical items (new clear storage boxes purchased for clear identification)
  3. Clinical rooms – Both GP and nurse rooms have had wipeable skirtings reglued.
  4. Cupboard doors in clinical rooms realigned to close correctly.

We work together with our cleaning provider Clean Slate and have weekly audits undertaken and any highlighted areas of improvement are rectified to ensure the ongoing cleanliness of the practice.

Audits undertaken.

  1. Legionella risk Assessment
  2. Annual infection control audit
  3. Hand hygiene
  4. Disposal of Waste
  5. Needle stick Injury

Risk assessments are carried out to ensure we minimise the risk of infection and to ensure the safety of the patients and staff.

Legionella (water) risk assessments are carried out by Clean Slate, and we have 6 monthly attendances by Brodex to check water tanks and temperatures.  No water supply risks have been identified and this does not pose a risk to patients, visitors, or staff.

Immunisations: – The practice ensure that all staff are up to date with their Hepatitis B immunisations and offered vaccinations applicable to their role (i.e., Seasonal Flu)

We offer and take part in the National Immunisation Campaign and offer vaccinations to all eligible patients, in house and via home visits for our practice population.

Curtains – The Curtains in all clinical rooms are changed every 6 months in line with the NHS Cleaning specifications.  We use disposable curtains and are vacuumed regularly to prevent dust build up.  Any that are visibly soiled will be replaced.

Cleaning – We use Clean Slate who provide cleaning rotas for rooms and monthly and annual audits.  Any problems we encounter are raised and dealt with efficiently.

Hand washing sinks – We provide a hand wash sink in each clinical room. The Sinks do not meet the latest standards, but they have no plugs and covered overflows.  Staff are aware to turn off any taps that are not hands free with paper towels for safety.  All liquid soap dispensers are wall mounted near to each sink.

Staff Training

Any new staff to join the surgery would receive infection control hand washing within the first month of employment.

All clinical practice staff completed hand washing training within the past 12 months.  Yearly online training on Blue Stream for clinical staff.

All non-clinical staff completed hand wash training within the past 12 months.

3 yearly online training for non-clinical staff.


All policies related to Infection Prevention and Control are reviewed in line with National and local guidance and are updated on an ongoing basis as new guidance and legislation changes.

Infection control policies are available for staff to review, and new legislation discussed on an annual basis.


It is the responsibility of each staff member to be familiar with this statement and are aware of their roles and responsibilities under this.

Responsibility for Review

The Infection Prevention and Control Leads, Julie Richardson, and Wendy Webb along with support from the Practice Manager Jane Wardle are responsible for reviewing and producing an Annual Statement

Date for Review August 2025

Julie Richardson/Wendy Webb (Infection Control Nurses)

Drs Barish & Balakrishnan

Lowmoor Road Surgery